The Philosopher's Wrench

The Philosophers Wrench, Larry Weingarten, 2023,

Wisdom of the World Press

Words: Jerry Blanchard

My long-time friend Andre De La Torre gave me for my birthday a just-published book written by his friend, Larry Weingarten. It is a great book, both for its guidance on technical aspects of building and working, and also on how to live a happy and fulfilling life.

The author probably knows more about domestic water systems and hot water heaters than anyone living, and the book is a gold mine of useful technical information about those subjects, though that is just part of the fine things in the book.

Weingarten opens the book: "There is a lot about how we design and build homes that could use a little rethinking. Housing should be affordable, effective, and efficient. These days, broadly speaking, it doesn't do any of these jobs well. I'd like to tackle some of the bigger hurdles which are interfering with the implied promise of housing, which is to provide, safe, comfortable, and adaptable space for us to live life well and affordably."

In the section titled: Plumbers' Tools, Old and New, and I was interested to see he mentioned the Eifel Geared Plierench, which is a particular favorite of mine ever since I was a boy. (Check out in the Gear section of Rust Magazine the article about that superb plier).

Throughout the book are little sayings Weingarten calls "Guiding Lights"  Here are a few:   

“Work in a way that benefits all life.”

“You live in a community.”    

“Know what your constant and unshakeable truths are.” 

“Do what you know is right, even if it's hard, you’ll sleep better.”

I could write much about the book but could not do better than to quote the excellent review from the back cover of the book. Weingarten is a wise, kind, and expert builder and natural philosopher who can help make your life better in many ways. He is someone to pay attention to and learn from. 

 “Are you ready to discover tools to make your life better in ways you may not have imagined? From the hands-on practical advice to the deep well of life's truths, this book will inspire you. You will learn that tools can only empower us if we understand them, pick them up, and put them to use. Tools are far more diverse than what you'll find hanging around in a toolbox. A good mind and a caring heart are two of the most powerful tools on our planet.

     You will discover how to:

         . Ask good questions and observe closely to get answers

         . Determine the right tools for any job

         . Do things you've never imagined doing by believing in yourself

         . Stay in hot water---and get out of it when you want to.


This book gives you a variety of bigger, more powerful tools for living life well and being better able to help others.

Larry Weingarten is a building contractor, writer, and teacher. He is well recognized in the fields of hot water and energy-efficient, durable housing. For over fifty years, he has been fixing people's problems, whether about things mechanical or about aspects of one's inner world, such as perspective, acceptance, and finding truth. This book can easily save you money and trouble. It can also help you gain confidence and effectiveness in any situation, helping you to become rich beyond money.”